
Maria João Salgado

Each Step Is A Dialogue
2022, Autores

Sala Francisco de Goya – UNED
19.08 – 24.09.2022

“Recuerda que el mundo está hecho de historias” – me dijo alguien.

Tropezamos, todos los días, en un discurso amoroso con los mayores puntos de soledad, donde perdemos el habla y la dificultad no es recordar sino olvidar.

Aquí, vivo para olvidar. Desenrollando el silencio de quien siente que el otro pierde la palabra. Hoy, es en mí que falta este discurso.

Grito para no estar solo, expresando un compuesto de identidad, silencio y pasión, al mirar la relación del yo con el otro y la relación del yo con el yo. De cómo nos transforma, de cómo casi no nos encontramos y de cómo nos redefinimos. Cada imagen es un fragmento de esta transformación y su todo es la pieza confusa donde se inserta.

Esta es solo otra historia de amor.

One of the reasons breakups or separations are so distressing is because they can lead us to question who we are. Especially when it comes to long-standing relationships, our identities become so intertwined with our partners that, when we lose them, we lose part of ourselves.

The powerful concepts that are chewed up in Salgado’s work, even wrapped in a personal imaginary, manage to go beyond the univocal narrative of the me to speak of the universality of feelings, of what is common to all humanity, what unites us and moves us across the board, from individual corporeality to the collective mass. Love, belonging, detachment, pain, lovelessness and absence are remastered by the author in search of an emotional learning and a digestion of new ways of loving. something so personal, so political.

With a marked documentary language, but from the deepest intimacy, the author converts into images the emotional states of a process of disaffection. In a one-way narrative thread, she unravels these emotions by the rhythm of a roller coaster that makes us go up and down dizzyingly, that generates us expectations and disappoints us, gives us pleasure and fear, excites us and saddens. She tells us about love and the opposite. And of everything in between, these dots in which love and pain greet each other.

The author works with a great symbolic load that is distributed in her images like overlapping puzzles, where no element of the plan is chance. Spaces and landscapes take center stage as metaphors of feelings. The badly healed wounds, the fallen tree, the blindness of an animal without course over the unstable land, the muffled breath with an open lung, the fragility thorny night, the coldness of rage and the warmth of unrestrained passion that leads us to hit the bottom and arm ourselves in Phoenix to finally reach a luminous exit path that forces us to walk in astonishment to see beyond the fog, anticipating the future. Each step is a dialogue.

Vitor Nieves

Maria João Salgado (Portugal, 1992). Estudió en el Instituto Portugués de Fotografía (IPF) y en el Instituto de Producción Cultural y Artística (IPCI) en Oporto. Desde 2015 se ha centrado en la Fotografía Documental, principalmente desarrollando proyectos sobre derechos humanos y comunidades de vida alternativa. Actualmente, se está enfocando en un enfoque más artístico, desarrollando temas sobre temas personales para transitar mejor el presente.

19.08 – 24.09.2022
Sala Francisco de Goya – UNED
Calle Argensola, 60, Barbastro
Lun-Vie: 19.00 – 21.00  h
Sáb: 11.30 – 13.00 / 19.00 – 21.00 h